The Dukan Diet : The revolutionary French solution for permanent weight loss
Showing posts with label oat bran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oat bran. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Dukan burger

Serves: 2
Preparation: 10 minutes, cook 10 minutes (or more according to taste)

  • 3 tbsp oat bran
  • 4 tbsp low fat fromage frais
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 low fat beef burgers (5% fat)
  • 2 sliced onions
  • 2 red onions sliced
  • 2 gherkins Tsp Dijon mustard
  • Dukan ketchup and Dukan mayonnaise

Mix half of the oat bran, egg, half of fromage frais and half baking soda. Pour in a circle mould and cook it in the micro wave for 4 minutes. Remove the bread and slice it in to pieces. Repeat the operation a second time to make another bread. You can toast if you wish.

Cook the onion in a non stick frying pan with a bit of water and then cook your burgers. On one slice of the bread spread some mustard and then Dukan ketchup and mayonnaise according to your taste and then add your burger. Add the sliced onion and gherkin.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Difference Between Oat Bran & Wheat Bran

Both oat bran and wheat bran promote good health but in different ways:

  • wheat bran contains more the B vitamins---thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6; one half cup serving of wheat bran, which has only about 60 calories yet 12 grams of fiber and a good dose of niacin and vitamin B6
  • oat bran is a good source of soluble fiber, while wheat bran is a good source of insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber may help to decrease cholesterol levels, and insoluble fiber promotes healthy bowel functioning.
  • wheat bran has been shown to have specific cancer-preventing properties that oat bran cannot match
  • In various human trials, oat bran eaten as oatmeal for breakfast appears to have reduced cholesterol by about 10 percent as compared to wheat bran, which lowered cholesterol levels by roughly 4 percent. Oat bran contains soluble fiber, which forms a sticky, gel-like substance in the digestive tract that binds to cholesterol and pushes it out of the body through the stools. Wheat bran on the other hand contains insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is good for bowel health and promotes regularity, but it does not remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Perhaps it is the soluble fiber,beta-glucan, found in oats, but not wheat, which is thought to be important in reducing the riskof coronary heart disease.  
  • Wheat contains gluten which is harmful for celiac patients
Whole grains are composed of bran, germ and endosperm. When a grain is refined, such as in white bread or white rice, the bran and germ are removed, leaving only the endosperm. The beneficial vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients are contained within the bran and the germ, which is why whole grains are healthier than refined grains. Bran and germ products are also available separately, as in the case of wheat and oat bran, and are concentrated sources of many nutrients. While both oat and wheat bran are very healthy foods, they each offer distinct nutrient profiles.

The fat, protein and carbohydrate composition of oat and wheat bran differ only slightly. According to NutritionData, oat bran contains one gram more of each macronutrient on a per-ounce basis. One ounce of wheat bran contains one gram of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates and four grams of protein. One ounce of oat bran contains two grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrates and five grams of protein.

Wheat bran and oat bran are both good sources of vitamins, particularly B vitamins. According to NutritionData's nutrient analysis, wheat bran contains 10 percent or more of the daily value of four B vitamins---thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6. Oat bran, on the other hand, only contains that much of one vitamin, thiamin. The amount of thiamin in oat bran is actually three times greater than in wheat bran.

Oat bran and wheat bran are also good sources of multiple essential minerals. Both are great sources of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. In fact, one ounce of wheat bran contains 3.2 milligrams of manganese, which is 161 percent of the daily value. They also are both good sources of potassium, zinc, iron and copper. Wheat bran contains more of all these minerals than does oat bran, when compared on an ounce-for-ounce basis, according to NutritionData.

Both oat and wheat bran are good sources of fiber, though the type of fiber they contain differs. One ounce of wheat bran contains 12 grams of fiber, while one ounce of oat bran contains four grams. According to the American Heart Association, oat bran is a good source of soluble fiber, while wheat bran is a good source of insoluble fiber. Both types of fiber are important for health. Soluble fiber may help to decrease cholesterol levels, and insoluble fiber promotes healthy bowel functioning.

Cancer Prevention
According to WHFoods, wheat bran has been shown to have specific cancer-preventing properties that oat bran cannot match. Wheat bran may promote increases in the metabolism of estrogen in the body, which may help decrease the risk of developing breast cancer. Wheat bran has also been shown to decrease the amount of cancer-promoting substances in the colon, making it a potential protector against colon cancer as well.

Wheat Bran Health Benefits
On the flip side, wheat bran also promotes good health but in different ways. Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and digestive problems plague many Americas. Researchers recommend about 25-35 grams of dietary fiber per day for adults yet most people consume only about 12 grams, less than half of what is needed to promote regularity. The answer may be a healthy one half cup serving of wheat bran, which has only about 60 calories yet 12 grams of fiber and a good dose of niacin and vitamin B6.

Good bowel health is essential for many things. The bowel or colon removes toxins from the body, and if you are not eliminating regularly, toxins can build up in the system. Bacteria in the gut also produce vitamin K and help synthesize many vitamins. New evidence also shows that serotonin, the brain chemical responsible for moods, is produced mostly in the colon rather than in the brain as once thought. A healthy colon usually means the entire body is healthy, so eating foods rich in fiber and taking good care of your colon can boost your overall health.

Here we have Rolled Oats, Oat Bran and Wheat Bran. 

For the sake of the Dukan Diet, we're interested in Oat Bran (Son d'avoine in French), not Rolled Oats. Dr Dukan says that we can have two tablespoons of Oat Bran per day and one tablespoon of Wheat Bran per day. Mix it up with an egg and a couple of tablespoons of 0% cream cheese and you can have a substantial pancake or add it to your yoghurt or 0% cream cheese as a desert. We sometimes add a teaspoon or two to a chicken curry sauce to thicken it.

What is it made up of?

Nutritional value per 100 g

Rolled Oats*Oat Bran**Oat Bran*Wheat Bran*
Energy380 kcal / 1610 kJ311 kcal / 1312 kJ246 kcal / 1029 kJ248 kcal / 1038 kJ
Carbohydrates (glucids)67 g51.7 g66.22 g47.8 g
- Sugars1 g
1.45 g9.68 g
- Dietry fibre10 g17.8 g15.4 g4 g
Fat6 g5.1 g7.03 g3.4 g
Protein16 g12.8 g17.3 g8.8 g
* USDA National Nutrient Database
** Moulin des Moines


1. Wheat bran consists of insoluble fibres; oat bran consists of soluble fibres.

2. The insoluble wheat bran fibres are softened as they pass through the various parts of the body, and they bulk up the stool, causing speedy elimination of waste. Oat bran fibres are dissolved, and form a gel. As the soluble fibre mixes with the bile acids in the intestine, it helps to remove cholesterol.

3. One half cup of wheat bran contains about 12 gm fibre, 60 calories and one gram of fat. One half cup of oat bran contains 7 gm fibre, 150 calories and 3.5 gm fat.

4. Wheat bran is a good source of Niacin and B6, whereas Oat bran is a good source of folate and thiamine.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Dukan diet secret ingredient - oat bran

Throughout the Dukan Diet you can enjoy a carbohydrate respite in the form of a tablespoon of oat bran every day.  Oat bran is rich in sugars and protein, but its benefit lies in the high levels of soluble fiber, which absorbs water in the gut, swelling up to 20 times its size.

This helps you feel full and satisfied. It is also great for heart health and eases constipation (which can affect people in the early stages of the diet).

But once digested, it attracts fat molecules, sugars and toxins, and carries them out of the body before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Oats contain high levels of dietary fiber, manganese, selenium, and magnesium. Numerous studies showed that a diet high in beta-glucan from oats help to lower blood LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

Oats may also help stabilize blood glucose levels, which may benefit people with diabetes. Studies show that in people with high cholesterol (above 220 mg/dl), consuming just 3 grams of soluble oat fiber per day typically lowers total cholesterol by 8 to 23 percent. 3 g of soluble oat fiber can be found in just one bowl of oatmeal - it can be that easy!

FDA approved Oat Health Claim
In 1997, the FDA authorized coronary heart disease risk reduction health claim for beta-glucan soluble fiber from oat products. To qualify for this health claim, a food product must contain at least 0.75 grams of beta-glucan soluble fiber from oats per serving. Food products containing oat bran and rolled oats, such as oatmeal, and whole oat flour can bear this health claim.

Other Food Sources of Beta-Glucan Soluble Fiber

  • Dried beans and peas
  • Barley
  • Flax seed
  • Fruits such as oranges and apples
  • Vegetables such as carrots
  • Psyllium seed husks
In addition to beta-glucan soluble fiber, oats also contain avenanthramides (a type of antioxidants). Preliminary studies showed that avenanthramides help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol.

The US government published the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans in January 2005. One of the new guidelines recommends that all adults eat half their grains as whole grains - that's at least 3 servings of whole grains such as oats and whole wheat a day. To increase intake of oat products, try the following:

  • Have a bowl of oatmeal with nuts or fresh fruits as breakfast
  • Add oat flour or whole oats when you make breads and muffins
  • Sprinkle oat bran on cereals or salads
Oat bran is an essential part of the Dukan Diet because it makes following the program easier. Oat bran expands up to 30 times its original volume when it comes into contact with water or other liquids in your stomach. This slows down digestion while helping you feel full. Another advantage is that oat bran is sweet and it can be incorporated into your diet in many different ways. It absorbs calories from other foods during digestion which are then eliminated through bowel movements. Although you won’t reduce your calorie intake enormously this way, if you eat oat bran regularly, the cumulative effect can be significant over time. Oat bran aids in healthy digestion, which can help counter constipation or irregular bowel movements, a common side effect of any weight-loss plan. It is inexpensive, and helps to prevent diabetes by slowing down the speed at which sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. Oat bran also plays an important role in cholesterol reduction and the prevention of colon cancer. No other food offers the same health benefits.